Eating healthy, without waste

  • Pea soup 1 week
  • Chicken breasts 2 months
  • Carrots 2 days
  • Mushrooms 8 days
  • Heavy cream 1 month

How does it work?

Buy the stuff you normally buy

For you to use Lostfood, you don't need to change the way you buy your food. Just go ahead and buy what you usually buy.

Track what you don't want to throw away

With Lostfood, you can track those things you have a bad habit of throwing away. Add them to the list, give it an approximate expiration date and you'll be reminded to use it before it expires.

No idea what to cook? Let the AI help you out!

It's not easy to find recipes for stuff that's about to go to waste. Lostfood helps you by creating recipes that are tailored to your need and what you have at home.

Suggestions tailor-made for what you have

Recipes will be generated using the information you gave. It will add a few ingredients that it sees as a good match with what you have and your mood.

Try it today, it's free.

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